When it comes to the long-term performance of HGVs, there can be no compromises. Such vehicles need the best products and rigorous servicing to keep them on the road, which is why using the right type of coolant/antifreeze is so critical.

Whether in cars or trucks, coolant/antifreeze has an important job to do. Protecting the engine from extreme heat, it also inhibits corrosion to extend the life of internal components – essential in helping HGV fleet operators keep ongoing maintenance costs to a minimum.

If you’ve been unhappy with the performance of coolants previously used in your HGVs, we can help you find the best possible product for your needs. Because when it comes to ensuring the long-term performance and efficacy of HGV cooling systems, only the best will do.

In this post, we’re answering key questions on the types of coolants that are suitable for HGV use, and why it’s always best to use a fluid that’s specifically developed for the vehicle at hand.

Why is Using the Right Coolant in HGVs so Important?

HGV engines have specific requirements that mean they need different fluids and maintenance to keep them on the road. Maintaining optimal engine temperature alone can be a challenge, with heavy loads and extreme heat placing a huge amount of strain on internal components.

Indeed, with around 40% of all HGV downtime coming as a result of cooling system maintenance and upkeep, it’s easy to see why using the right type of coolant/antifreeze is so important. Inferior coolants simply don’t provide the durability and protection HGVs need to stay out of the service bay and on the road.

It’s worth remembering that coolant takes many forms, with hundreds of products developed for different vehicles and uses. By using an HGV-specific fluid, you can be confident that it’s providing maximum protection – whether it’s for a fleet of trucks, tractors, or marine vehicles.

Engine compartment of Scania G410 truck. Scania G410 truck exhibited during the public event Russian Plowing Championship.

What is the Best Type of Coolant for HGVs?

Given the immense task of maintaining peak engine temperature in HGVs, the right coolant must be used in order to dissipate heat effectively. Of course, there’s also the issue of inhibiting corrosion to keep internal parts working at their best for longer.

Advancements in coolant technology now mean that fleet operators have a choice of HGV-developed fluids to choose from. Some of the most effective are organic acid technology (OAT) coolants, which offer a range of benefits over inferior forms of coolant, including:

  • Increased protection for the engine against deposits, corrosion, fouling, scale formation, pitting and premature wear of components like water pumps.
  • Longer service life, meaning less downtime and more miles between coolant changes.
  • No need for supplemental additives, further reducing maintenance costs and vehicle downtime.

OAT coolants are now considered a go-to for most modern HGV fleets, but it’s still important to consider cost and quality when investing in the right fluid, as well as overall vehicle compatibility. Premium OAT coolant will provide optimal protection and durability when compared to cheaper products of the same formula, so cutting corners may not be worth it when you consider the longer-term cost.

How to Decide which Coolant/Antifreeze You Need for HGV

Although OAT coolants are now considered the best for durability and service life, these fluids aren’t compatible with all engine types. The type of coolant you need for an HGV engine comes down to its year of manufacture, as outlined below.

For vehicles made after 1998, silicate-free OAT coolant is required. While for older engines manufactured before then, non-OAT coolant that contains silicate is advised.

Introducing Prestone Command Heavy Duty Coolant/Antifreeze

Bottle of Prestone Command heavy duty coolant/antifreeze concentrate 4.

If you’re looking for a reliable, premium-brand coolant/antifreeze with which to service your HGV fleet, Prestone Command Heavy Duty Coolant/Antifreeze is right out of the top drawer. Lab-developed for HGV engines, it provides an outstanding service life of up to 600,000 miles on the road, comparably providing up to 12,000 hours for off-road/plant applications.

An OAT coolant, Prestone Command Heavy Duty contains no silicates, nitrates, or phosphate. That means no risk of blockages and guaranteed use for all diesel engines in any HGV setting – whether that’s trucks, plant machinery, agriculture, marine, or oil and gas.

Where Prestone Command truly excels is the protection provided. For 600,000 miles you can be confident that your HGV engines are protected from the likes of wet liner pitting, premature wear, and scale formation, all of which can contribute to expensive engine damage and increased vehicle downtime.

Like all Prestone coolants, Command Heavy Duty offers high-performance temperature protection, safeguarding components from -37°C to +129°C. This, coupled with the fact that no supplemental additives or extenders are required, means you get the peace of mind that your fleet is sufficiently protected throughout the year.

We hope this guide proved useful in helping you decide on the right coolant for your HGVs. Keen to learn more about Prestone Command Heavy Duty Coolant/Antifreeze? Visit our professional products page for more information.